Apr 17, 2023 | How we make |
In an era of Di2 shifters connected with smartphones, why would you want to ride a steel bike, made from anything other than carbon fibre? Maybe because it’s simply fun to be different. Or maybe because steel has a unique charm and some real-world... Apr 10, 2023 | The latest bikes |
A new tailored bike for Fabio This is the tailored bike we created for Fabio. One of the last Borea, our steel road bike. Fabio thought about a different colour between the front and rear triangles. The rear triangle is matt black and matching with the black wheels... Feb 3, 2023 | The latest bikes |
The custom road bike frame we made for Nicola has customized geometry based on the cyclist’s flexibility and physical mobility. The steel Borea frame has been redesigned to be tall enough but not very long. In this way the cyclist is not forced into a too-racing... Jan 16, 2023 | The latest bikes
Initially, Profidea was thought and reserved only for pro riders. The Profidea frame was designed to be lightweight, stiff and strong. It was developed in collaboration with some of the world’s best riders of the ’90es. Then the frame was available on the...