Almost every brand proposes bikes for women, but…

Almost every brand proposes bikes for women, but most of them sell just commercial bicycles with something pink to give the bike “a touch of femininity”. But in fact, most women need different sizes and geometries for their rides, but they symbolize just a little part...

A coffee ride… with a coffee bike!

A coffee ride is a great way to get to know someone while enjoying a cup of coffee. It is an informal meeting over a cup of coffee, during which people discuss whatever topics they wish, so relaxed thanks to the bike ride. This kind of rides are becoming increasingly...


Choose your Daccordi bike from our collection. You can decide to have it by selecting among the standard sizes or made to measure for you, for your characteristics and your style. ORDER YOUR DACCORDI

How to take measurements at home in the correct way to order a Daccordi bike

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