Daccordi Historical catalogues

Here is a collection of Daccordi catalogues through the years.

If you are looking for a specific model or cannot find the exact vintage in the record, please remember this peculiarity: until the 80s – 90s, the catalogues were not updated every year because the innovations of the time did not require it. On the contrary, around the 2000s, you may even find two catalogues in the same year.

This happened because the innovations started running fast. Subsequently, with the advent of digital, catalogues have lost their importance, and therefore in recent years the website has often replaced the standard catalogue.
Daccordi has always built custom bikes.

Discontinued bikes and one-of-a-kind pieces are not uncommon. We will list a few, but often you may own a non-listed custom-built bike.

Browse our catalogues


Choose your Daccordi bike from our collection. You can decide to have it by selecting among the standard sizes or made to measure for you, for your characteristics and your style.

How to take measurements at home in the correct way to order a Daccordi bike

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